Mercedes War Gets Uglier as George Russell Insults “Slower” Lewis Hamilton to Favor Max Verstappen

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It seems like there’s more drama off the track than on it for Mercedes these days. Ever since Mercedes made the bold decision to bring young talent George Russell on board, sidelining Valtteri Bottas, there’s been an electric buzz of rivalry. Add to that Russell’s commendable performance beating 7-time champion Lewis Hamilton last season, and you have the perfect recipe for a turbulent team relationship.

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During the recent Japanese GP, the two were more “Fast & Furious” than any brotherhood. While most drivers aim to beat the competition, it looked like Hamilton and Russell were more keen on outdoing each other. Russell’s radio message, “Are we fighting each other or what”, says it all. Drama, drama, drama.

Recently, Russell sat down for a chat on the F1 Beyond the Grid podcast with Tom Clarkson. The youngster will be celebrating his 100th Grand Prix in Austin. To put that into perspective, that’s as many races as the legendary Jackie Stewart did in his entire career. Russell confidently mentioned, “I really feel like I’m only just getting started… I think I’m performing at a really high level.” He didn’t stop there.

In a not-so-subtle nod to his Mercedes teammate, he added, “I’m really happy with my own personal performance, but I recognize that you need to sustain this performance and be ready for when the car gives you that opportunity. And I think Max and Lewis are a perfect example. Yeah, Max [Verstappen] isn’t suddenly one second faster a driver than he was in 2020, and Lewis isn’t suddenly one second a lap slower than he was in 2020.” Ouch!

Lewis Hamilton Lewis Hamilton

The conclusion of Russell’s idea brings out the frustrating reality of F1 – that even if a driver is exceptionally skilled, they sometimes have to wait for the right opportunity. He mentions that he’s not the only driver currently in this position, suggesting that many are waiting for their chance to shine based on the cars and situations they’re in.

Russell’s conviction that he’s “just getting started” resonates strongly with the sentiment that there’s a change on the horizon. And it’s not just about the number of races but the mindset and intent behind every race. But while Russell is primed to rise, he’s also realistic about the challenges ahead, as the young gun knows all too well the intricacies and politics of F1.

Mercedes showdown: George Russell gears up to challenge Lewis Hamilton

If the F1 tracks had walls, they’d be echoing whispers of an impending ‘changing of the guard’ at Mercedes. The much-touted George Russell, after hopping onto the Mercedes ride last year, seems determined to stamp his presence alongside the revered Lewis Hamilton. However, that journey has been, shall we say, a bit bumpy off late.

Riding high on ambition, Russell appeared set to take on the mantle of ‘team leader.’ But with Hamilton’s pen committing two more years to Mercedes and not even a hint of slowing his F1 pace, George might need to hit the brakes on that aspiration. For now.

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