Simone Biles questions fans about the type of snake she recently came across

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Legendary gymnast Simone Biles got frightened by a snake that she recently encountered. Not only did Biles mention this incident to her fans, but she was also curious to know about the type of snake that she saw.

Like every human being, Biles also possesses her fair share of fears. Previously, during the 2014 World Championships, she jumped off the podium to escape a bee that was seemingly in her bouquet.

Recently, Simone Biles shared her fear of snakes with her fans on her X (formerly known as Twitter) handle. The gymnast uploaded the picture of a snake that was comparatively small and had black and brown scales on it. Along with the picture, she also showed her curiosity to know the type of snake she encountered.
Simone Biles

As soon as Biles posted the question along with the picture of the snake, her fans filled the comment section with several reactions.

While many expressed their own feeling of scare, most of her fans concluded that it was an eastern hog-nosed snake. Found in North America, these snakes are mildly venomous and rear-fanged. Many people keep these snakes as pets as well.

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