Charlie Woods Finds Himself in an Uncomfortable Situation, Just Days After Etching a Record

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Tiger Woods is a well-established name on the golf circuit for his huge contribution to the sport. Now, following in his footsteps and coming into the limelight is his son Charlie Woods. With his strong grip and exceptional putting, the golf prodigy has done outstandingly well in his career until now. Recently, he had a career-best round at the Notah Begay lll Junior Golf National Championship.

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But in that tournament, his father, Tiger Woods, caddied for the golfer and that must have helped the 14-year-old a lot. But Tiger won’t always be around on his bag.

Golf prodigy Charlie Woods has to fend for himself!

Tiger Woods has been away from golf tournaments due to his health concerns and the legendary golfer has gone out of his way to encourage his son while the latter played golf.

Last month during a tournament, he was on Charlie’s bag. As a result, the young golfer recorded his lowest score. He also went on to win the event. Which budding player wouldn’t if Tiger was their caddy?!

Charlie Woods

But now it seems like the situation will be a bit different as Charlie goes on his next golf venture. According to the high school rules and regulations, Tiger cannot be Charlie’s bagman as he goes forward with his Buccaneer boys golf team to participate in the fourth state championship, which will take place in November, as per a report.

The 14-year-old is an asset to the Benjamin School located at Palm Beach Gardens and has already reaped the benefits of his prowess. Apart from this, let’s take a look at how Charlie has made his school proud so far.

Charlie Woods has had consecutive wins

Tiger Woods has astounded the golf world with his terrific performances in his era of dominance. Now, taking up the legacy of his father, comes Charlie into the picture. The golf prodigy is called a boon in disguise by his school, and they take full advantage of the popularity their student is gaining.

In terms of his performances, Woods junior shot a total of 102 on 36 holes at Cypress Woods Golf and Country Club in Naples to come out as the individual champion of the tournament. A few days back, at the Notah Begay lll Junior Golf National Championship, he secured a 6-under 66, carding nine birdies to win at Mission Inn Resort, Florida. Senior Woods caddied for his son at this event. What do you think of Charlie Woods’ recent performances?

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