Charlie Woods’ Swing Recoil Is Going Viral

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Charlie Woods has continued to impress this week. Amidst fears of a WD for Team Woods after he twisted his ankle on the range, he has found a way to compete despite physical ailments, much like his father.

He can be seen limping, another familiarity within Team Woods, and has allegedly worked out a way to swing despite the injury. Tiger didn’t raise a quitter. Charlie and Tiger both hobbled to an opening 59 in the PNC, despite trailing to the Daly’s and the Thomas team with a few holes to spare.

Charlie continues to grow, both physically and as a golfer. Despite the lower body limitations, this drive down the 5th hole just now caught the attention of many a golf fan worldwide. Check out this recoil on the kid’s move!

Charlie Woods

Dressed in Sunday red, Team Woods is here for business. And Tiger looks so good on the course, it is a genuine catastrophe for the golfing world that this can’t be accessed on regular TV.

The sporting gods harmonized just now. As Charlie Woods just dropped an eagle to get within two of the lead, at the exact same time Lionel Messi bagged a goal in extra time at the World Cup Final. Keep an ear out for some more Sunday sporting drama at the PNC as Tiger looks to top off a miraculous 2022.

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