Astonishing Eater:” Despite Being 25lbs Slimmer, Phil Mickelson’s Grand Platter Once Prompted a Ryder Cup Legend to Make a Bizzare Tiger Woods Comparison

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There was a time when Phil Mickelson was famous (or infamous) for his unhealthy eating habits. He was at the butt-end of ridicule and fat shaming for a good part of his early career. Two decades later, the Lefty is slimmer and healthier courtesy of his intense workout regimen and diet. But that was not before his gluttony impacted his game.

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In fact, Mickelson’s prodigious platter once shocked a Ryder Cup legend. Sitting at the same table with him was Tiger Woods with a modest plate of dinner. The difference between their attitude on and off the greens prompted the veteran golfer to make an odd comparison.

The “astonishing” binge-eater that Phil Mickelson was

Alan Shipnuck might not be the best of friends with Phil Mickelson. Well, at this point Mickelson might not want to see his name uttered in the same breath as Shipnuck. But the controversial Sports Illustrated writer has sure some great Mickelson story to tell. Actually, he has so many of them that he decided to write an ‘unauthorized’ biography on Lefty.

In Shipnuck’s, ‘Phil: The Rip-Roaring (and Unauthorized!) Biography of Golf’s Most Colorful Superstar’, the six-time Major winner’s obvious eating habit came to the forefront. It even included Ryder Cup legend Sir Nick Faldo, who shared an astonishing Woods and Mickelson story. Mind you, this was a time long before the alleged Masters dinner snub; a time when the two American legends broke bread with each other.

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