WATCH: Charlie Woods shoots an impressive shot on the first tee of Junior Golf championship

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Charlie Woods is following in the footsteps of his father and golf legend Tiger Woods. Currently participating at the Notah Begay III Junior Golf Championship at the Koasati Pines at Coushatta, Charlie Woods’ performance has been impressive so far.

With dad Tiger Woods on the bag for him this weekend, Charlie took a confident shot off the first tee at the short par 4. As the announcer took Charlie’s name, he stepped up to the tee and hit the ball very well.

His father provided him with words of encouragement as they walked down the course, saying:

This has been Tiger Woods’ first appearance in a long time; he underwent surgery in April. Now caddying for his son, Woods was seen walking without a limp, which prompted speculation among golf fans about whether he would make a comeback soon.

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