“Sh*t And Killed”: Simone Biles’ Husband Jonathan Owens Makes A Saddening Confession From Past

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Simone Biles and Jonathan Owens have attained considerable heights in each of their fields. Owing to the titles of Packers safety and most decorated gymnast ever, the duo doesn’t fail to turn heads. However, apart from athletic backgrounds in commonality, the two also share a journey of adversities on their paths to success. But for the power couple, the unconventional paths held a pivotal point for their later lives.

Biles has previously revealed if it weren’t for foster care and her grandparents adopting her, she wouldn’t be the Simone Biles the world knows today. The nature further extends to the NFL star who recently stepped ahead to reveal the unfortunate acts that turned out to be transformative moments.

Jonathan Owens reflects on a pivotal point

On the 19th, Owens made an appearance on The Pivotal Podcast to discuss his life and journey from undrafted free agent to Packers Safety. And talking of the ascended status, the 28-year-old revealed the moment that acted as a spark for the journey ahead. Owens was asked, what he thought was his biggest pivot. The NFL star mentioning two instances, credited the first to his senior year in college. “We had two weeks until the season starts, and my coach, they walk me up to the office,” he starts. The act was initially received with confusion by Owens until they revealed that his “stepdad got shot and killed in armed robbery.”

Simone Biles

Owen’s stepdad had been with him since he was 4 and had raised him throughout. Learning about his death and the fact that his mom, who is disabled was left all alone at home, triggered a force in Owens. “I was like, I gotta do something to make my family situation better,” recalls the NFL star. “I had good seasons in college but that was the moment I had a different type of driving force.”

While Owens cried, fought, and stood tall through the adversities, in Texas, Simone Biles was emerging successful through hers.

Simone Biles found her light

As a 3-year-old, Simone Biles and her siblings were put in foster care following the chemical abuse their mother faced. The siblings hopped houses for 3 years until the Olympian and her sister were adopted by their grandparents. The years had entailed constant hunger and fear for the little ones. But Simone believes that despite all, the path eventually led her in the right direction.

“I feel like I wouldn’t be where I am unless that turning point happened. I would still be Simone Biles, probably not Simone Biles that everybody else knows,” Biles says. Ronald and Nellie her grandparents immediately recognized Simone’s talent for gymnastics and ensured to provide everything necessary to nurture. And today she stands on heights unreachable.

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