Simone Biles Receives Unusual Request From Gymnastics Veteran Ahead of US Olympic Trials: “Can You Not?”

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Age is just a number and Simone Biles is living proof of the adage. At the age of 27, Simone Biles is still defying the odds of gymnastics, having achieved unmatched success and aging like fine wine. At the U.S. championships in Fort Worth, Texas, earlier in the month, Biles won her ninth US all-around victory after dominating on all four apparatus. Her recent success shows that she is at her best ever ahead of the Paris Olympics. As she gets better and bigger with each impending victory, she caught the jocular fancy of a certain gymnast and the interaction was funny and quite unusual, to say the least.

In the sport, Biles’ extraordinary talent has created a new benchmark. Although most young athletes reach their prime, Biles seems to have quenched her starlet thirst by receiving a funny request. Former Olympic gymnast Alicia Sacramone Quinn, who currently serves as the U.S. women’s high-performance squad’s strategic lead, noted Biles’ remarkable influence. Quinn remarked, “I don’t know if there will ever be another gymnast who will ever come close to touching her caliber of achievements, difficulty, and just the impact she’s had on our sport.”

Beyond only her technical skills, Quinn is a huge fan of Biles, through and through. Gymnastics has been greatly impacted by Biles, who has inspired a great number of upcoming athletes and shaped the sport’s future. An “icon?” Quinn continued, highlighting how extraordinary Biles’ efforts are. “I don’t even know if that’s the right way to say it,” Quinn noted.

Simone Biles is yet personable and modest despite her enormous accomplishments. “We joke all the time,” Quinn said, describing a funny exchange with Biles. “I’m like, ‘Can you be not as good at gymnastics?’ and she just laughs at me.”?” and she simply smiles. Despite her towering accomplishments, Biles is incredibly grounded, as this playful discussion highlights. However, there’s more on Simone Biles’s way to Paris.

Simone Biles’ road at the Paris Olympics

The focus now turns to Minneapolis, where the gymnastics U.S. Olympic Team Trials are taking place. The Target Center is abuzz with talent and excitement and Biles will be one of the firebrand gymnasts out there so you know who to root for and bet your money on now. Promising a stellar comeback, it remains to be seen how her journey to yonder, ie Paris, will look like provided the trials are the ultimate litmus test for many.

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