“I’m Not Simone Biles”: Best Friend Jordan Chiles Explains Her Position After Tokyo Olympics’ Heroic Save

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Jordan Chiles’ fate always turns otherwise. After surviving an abusive coach, she turned up to Simone Biles, who brought her to the World Gymnastics Centre in Texas for further training. However, when her individual Olympic medal dream was in tatters after failing to qualify in beam and bars in Tokyo, her fate turned otherwise again. With Simone Biles bowing out because of her twisties in the final event, Jordan earned the chance to save Team USA in the final. Eventually, she left the mat with the team silver medal after proving her mettle. But still, she seems to prefer to stay humble, as she stated recently.

After the Tokyo Olympics, the 23-year-old elite gymnast has climbed up to the rank, earning laurels. Eventually, that made her a veteran in the sport. However, Jordan Chiles has yet to consider herself a leader, compared to Simone Biles. “I can give (advice on) what to do, what not to do, how to take care of yourself … but at the end of the day, I’m not Simone Biles who has done 850 world championships,” she responded to the debate. With that, the former world champion also mentioned her learning spree with Simone Biles, which she still enjoys. So, in such a position, she may not be the leader everyone wants to see. But Jordan thoroughly enjoys the leadership duties.

“I think I’m a good leader – being a veteran as they always say is pretty cool,” Jordan Chiles expressed. Furthermore, through such a role, she is ready to share her experience with the newcomers in Team USA. But fitting her feet in Simone Biles’ shoes would be too early for her, as she mentioned in the conversation with the NBC Olympics.

Meanwhile, after experiencing multiple heartbreaks in Tokyo and surviving a shoulder injury this year, Jordan Chiles still stands as one of the most favored entries in the Team USA gymnastics squad for the Paris Olympics. Yet this time, the reason is more than just a work of fate. Rather, the determination to prove herself is in hindsight.

Jordan Chiles follows Simone Biles’ lead once again 

After her Tokyo Olympics endeavor, Jordan Chiles wrote a beautiful note for her gymnastic pal, Simone Biles. “To my best friend, just thinking about everything we have gone through together from us getting mad at each other for no reason to laughing at jokes, to bringing the love of this sport back to me with your help words can’t explain how proud I am of you,” remained the words to describe the relation between two. In fact, according to Gina Chiles, Jordan’s mother, had not there been Simone Biles, Jordan Chiles would not have continued her gymnastics dream after school.

From bringing her to WCC, Texas, to motivating her all the way, Simone Biles has been the northern star for Jordan. Now when both are on the verge of their gymnastic veteran-ship, Jordan still decides to follow the 4-time Olympic gold medalist, representing the never-say-never attitude they hold.

So, now all Jordan can think about is her preparation for the US Olympic gymnastics trials. Pointing to that, Jordan said, “It’s going to be great no matter what because this time I’m going to do it for myself”. Meanwhile, the duo will meet each other in the Core Hydration Classic before the trials. All eyes will be on the XL Center in Hartford on May 17-18.


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