Bozy Ennis Praises Curmel Moton: “He’s Gonna Be Something To Be Reckoned With”

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Curmel Moton has the type of talent that makes you stop and stare. The way he fights, you’d find it hard to believe that he’s only 17 years of age. That shock factor, however, dissipates once you realize that he’s been training alongside Floyd Mayweather and his entire team since he was roughly eight years old.

Whenever he entered amateur tournaments, he was likely to win it all. With over 130 wins under his belt and nearly 20 National Titles, Moton could have opted to sit back and lay out his competition. Instead, he believed that the amateur game had nothing left to offer him. The pros, on the other hand, were a different story.

So after talking things through with Mayweather, Moton decided to move on. He officially made his pro debut just a few weeks ago on September 30th, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

His opponent, Ezequiel Flores, was 10 years older and presumably had his man strength already. None of those factors stopped Moton from running right through him.

Curmel Moton

It was a brutal beatdown, one that made Bozy Ennis do a double-take. It may have been just one fight but the famed trainer is already sold.

“I think he put on a spectacular performance,” Ennis told YSM Sports Media recently. “He looked sharp.”

Like Ennis, Mayweather loves his young fighter. So much so that he was willing to throw him in with Leigh Wood, the current WBA featherweight champ.

Those plans, of course, never amounted to anything. Mayweather’s ambitious attitude, by and large, isn’t over the top or something that could ultimately backfire.

Ennis sees something special in Moton as well. He doesn’t exactly know how far his talent will take him but if he had to guess, Ennis assumes that it could be to the top.

“I think he’s gonna be something to be reckoned with.”

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