Claressa Shields Left Disgusted as Alleged Negligence by Cops Leads to 82-Year-Old Woman’s Murder

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Claressa Shields is angry. Like many, the appalling news of an elderly woman’s killing seems to have sickened the world champion. A police investigation and a report indicate that the caretaker of an 82-year-old woman in New Mexico allegedly shot and murdered her. Incidentally, the horrendous act occurred roughly four hours after she had called up police officers and told them that she was afraid that something might happen to her.

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The undisputed middleweight champion simply said, “Disgusting,” tagging @DailyLoud‘s coverage. The hip-hop portal shared the details through its X account. They said that an elderly lady reported to the police that she was scared that her caretaker would kill her. As it happened, the police came. But, despite the woman’s protestations to remain at the place, they left. Reportedly, they praised the caretaker’s gun collection.

A homicide so heinous

According to the New York Post, Juneanne Fannell‘s caretaker for many years, Henry Cardana, called law enforcement. He reported Fannell being out of control. Hence, she needed to be removed from the residence immediately. In the meantime, Juneanne Fannell also seems to have made a 911 call. She had expressed concern for her safety. Thereafter, police officers visited her place. They had a conversation with Cardana. But reportedly, it revolved around his firearms.

It basically established the fact that the caregiver possessed weapons ready to fire, as the article mentioned. Fannell begged to stay behind as the cops started to leave. By all accounts, there were some disturbing exchanges between the patient and the caretaker. The latter told the police officers to leave. Four hours after the cops left, a neighbor called 911. They reportedly told them, hearing Cardana scream, that he had slain the old lady. When they came back, the police found blood all over Henry Cardana.

Claressa Shield

State prosecutors later brought up murder charges against him, as mentioned in The New York Post article. Given Shields’ reaction, many would be able to understand why she felt so outraged.

Rage-fomenting between two rivals

Getting back to boxing, the middleweight champion has yet to return to the ring after the title defense on June 3. But as things have been developing, there seems to be a likelihood of her seeking a rematch with her old rival, Savannah Marshall. However, now that both have signed deals with the Professional Fighters League (PFL), fans may wonder whether a rematch could occur inside an octagon instead of the squared circle.

The duo fought last year at the O2 Arena in England. Shields won the fight unanimously and became an undisputed champion for the second time. As far as the fans are concerned, they would be looking forward to a slugfest between the two icons, be it at any stage.

Given her recent signing up for the PFL deal, do you think Claressa Shields will be as successful in MMA as she has been boxing? Please share your views with us in the comments below.

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